31 March 2014

Main dish.

The most beautiful aspect of true Love may not be all the side dishes. Most of the time, we do miss out the main dish, forgiveness, to give up our ego and something of value to live out forgiveness, and we move towards reconciliation.

30 March 2014

Conduis-moi ...

When someone makes an important decision, that could be even to ignore or lose the best chance and then when it involves anyone else it is only the beginning where consequence of that decision effect and/or affect the other/s. Lent is indeed a beautiful time, again and again, to choose Goodness, Simplicity and Beauty in life."Seigneur, tu gardes mon âme ; Ô Dieu, tu connais mon cœur, Conduis-moi sur le chemin d’éternité."

29 March 2014

To better.

Often, we try again and again for the same things, each try is new. There should not be a regret on something not happening due to a lack of effort. Each effort could add a new meaning, a learning curve, to see Life in a better way, to Love better, to Trust better, to Forgive better, ...


27 March 2014


Life is continuously enriched with new sense and meaning with experiences. Choose goodness to enrich the experiences, even when we face the acts of inexperience, to tolerate, to guide, to mentor, ...

26 March 2014


The paths that a heart could travel, the realms of Love, Trust, and Hope, the mind struggles to fathom.

25 March 2014

Above all ...

Mostly we build barriers, sometimes we avoid and rarely we destroy. We are living hearts and it is not compatible with any sort of barriers as they are stagnant. Love, Trust, and Forgive, "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Pt. 4:8.

24 March 2014

Love remains.

When fighting happens in the name of love, the ability to reconcile again and again proves if true Love remains.

23 March 2014


When our true concern for the other/s or anything intensifies, we start to take leaps of faith and hope with a heart that dwells in thoughts and wishes that let everything be and remain good, at peace, beautiful, ...

22 March 2014

Goodness never tires.

The beauty in life just keeps on blossoming. At all times, Life is new, Beauty is new, Love is new, ... Deep within us, it keeps on blossoming as Goodness never tires.

21 March 2014

The treasures.

The treasures of the heart never fade. Its brightness and radiance keeps on increasing towards an unknown resolution.

20 March 2014

Deep within.

Deep within we all possess everything that is good, we already live it as we start to let it flow from our heart. Unleash the goodness within, let Love, Joy and Peace flow.

19 March 2014


To forgive again and again, to love again and again, this is what a heart is capable to do, only that each one has to choose to grow towards it. It is a blessing to have a Friend/s around who knows the profoundness and dwell and live in Love and Forgiveness.

18 March 2014


When heart is overwelmed, we may be bewildered and our heart seek and turn for the things that we treasure in our heart, for comfort, solace, love and care, a time we recognize whom or what we love the most.

17 March 2014

16 March 2014


 The river flows, branches out, and meet again somewhere after a long journey. When we meet some friends after a longtime, it is also the time to update on what happened after branching out.

14 March 2014

The Presence.

The undeniable presence of Love and Goodness in each heart is the proof that God is present in each one and still, each one has to choose to welcome that Presence.

13 March 2014

A beautiful heart.

A good way to see a beautiful heart may be to look for the beauty flowing from it. The best way may be to make sure that we have a beautiful heart, that we own a beautiful heart.

11 March 2014


True resting is when our hearts are filled with Love, Goodness, Serenity and Joy, everything else is just the unavoidable repose that will keep our body and mind strong enough to go on

10 March 2014

Fathomless Beauty.

We often eagerly refer to the problems and issues saying it could be only the tip of the iceberg. It would be much better if we could say the same to the beautiful life. All around we see only the glimpse of beauty. Humbly opening our heart and mind in the spirit of welcoming will gently take us towards the immense, fathomless Beauty within and around.

09 March 2014


The Beauty that is deep, the inner beauty and then we have the superficial one. The Love that is profound, lasting and then we have the one that is immature and short-lived. Keep on building bridges in life that is deep and profound, alone and together, from past, through present, towards future.

07 March 2014


There are many resting places, the best one may be getting a place in a beautiful heart.

05 March 2014

The challenge.

The biggest challenge is not the new trends that comes and stays and goes, not profit making, individualism or clinging on to power. It is, while remaining free and using our freedom, choosing to to live together in Love, Joy, and Peace.

04 March 2014

Tattoos in our heart.

There could be events and memories in life from which we try to escape, runaway, forget, keep a distance, keep ourselves busy, ... and each time we find ourselves dwelling in it. It may be useless trying to ignore the permanent tattoos in our heart. Embrace it, accept it, we may find that those events and memories were not that bad, it may have given some meaning to our life.

03 March 2014

Language of each soul.

Love and peace is the language of each soul. Deep within, those seeds are already placed. Hate, crimes, war, ... all are our rebellion against ourselves, against what we are made of. Love and peace is the language of each soul.

Triggering school memories.

Nothing can replace natural Ponds, Rivers and Seas.

02 March 2014


Heart can reach any distance, any depths, can speak a pure and beautiful language, remembers the meaning and value of each heartfelt words uttered, ... and then may be that is not always enough, heart needs to grow, a growth that is only possible together with other heart and hearts.

01 March 2014


Illuminations are often pleasing to see, gives us some useful distraction. An illuminated heart could keep on spreading love and joy all around.